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Um procurador federal ambicioso inicia uma investigação implacável contra Bobby Axelrod, um bilionário que não joga para perder.
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Maggie Siff
Wendy Rhoades
David Costabile
Michael 'Wags' Wagner
Condola Rashad
Kate Sacker
Damian Lewis
Bobby 'Axe' Axelrod
Asia Kate Dillon
Taylor Mason
Toby Leonard Moore
Bryan Connerty
Daniel K. Isaac
Ben Kim
Jeffrey DeMunn
Charles Rhoades, Sr.Midia
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4 - Short Squeeze
Axe deals with a betrayal. Chuck learns the inner workings of Axe Capital.

9 - Where the F-ck is Donnie?
A sudden and mysterious disappearance sends both Axe and Chuck spinning.

10 - Quality of Life
Axe and Wendy do some soul searching. Chuck suffers a devastating setback.

11 - Magical Thinking
Axe loses big on a bad trade. Chuck finds proof that could save the case.