Black Monday(2019)
19 de octubre de 1987, también conocido como Black Monday, la peor caída del mercado de valores en la historia de Wall Street. Nunca se ha sabido quién lo causó ... hasta ahora. Es la historia de cómo un grupo de individuos al margen del sistema se enfrentaron a Wall Street y terminaron estrellando el sistema financiero más grande del mundo.
Elenco principal

Andrew Rannells
Blair Pfaff
Regina Hall
Dawn Darcy
Paul Scheer
Keith Shankar
Casey Wilson
Tiffany 'Tiff' Georgina
Yassir Lester
Yassir X
Ken Marino
Larry Leighman / Lenny Leighman, Lenny Leighman, Larry Leighman
Horatio Sanz
Wayne Lapotka
June Diane Raphael
Corkie HarrisMidia
- Posters
- Backdrops
- Videos

1 - 365
Wide-eyed Blair is thrust into the insane world of 80s Wall Street. Mo enacts his master plan to take over the Georgina Jeans Company.

2 - 364
A Hollywood screenwriter shadows Mo at the office as Mo and Dawn fight over her desire to be made a partner. Keith plays a prank on Blair.

3 - 339
Mo attempts to create a father/son bond with Blair. Dawn and Spencer have a lively dinner with Dawns parents. Keith finds his secret increasingly difficult to hide.

4 - 295
Mo and Dawn attempt to reunite Blair and Tiff in order to keep the Georgina play afloat. Mos debts come back to haunt him.

5 - 243
Mo takes Dawn to the Predators Ball in an effort to raise the capital The Jammer Group needs to pay off their debts. Blair is saddled with a weekend work assignment.

6 - 122
At Blair and Tiffs engagement party, Mos feelings for Dawn begin to cloud his judgment. Wayne and Yassir get into serious trouble, while Keith takes a big step.

7 - 65
Mo takes Blair on his bachelor party, while Dawn realizes shes a very important guest at Tiffs bachelorette party. Keith faces a loaded decision.

8 - 7042
We get a glimpse into Mos past, while Blair and Dawn pursue some necessary detective work.

9 - 2
Mo is determined to make Blair and Tiffs marriage happen, for better or worse. Keith tries to impede the SECs sting operation by any means possible.