Renacimiento italiano, siglo XV. Rodrigo (Jeremy Irons), el patriarca de los Borgia, una familia de origen español, alcanzó la cúspide del poder al ser proclamado Papa con el nombre de Alejandro VI (1492-1503). Ese poder lo compartió con sus hijos Cesare, Giovanni y Lucrezia. Así, los Borgia se convirtieron en la familia más poderosa e influyente de la Italia del siglo XV.
Elenco principal

Mark Ryder
Cesare Borgia
Assumpta Serna
Vannozza Catanei
Isolda Dychauk
Lucrezia Borgia
Marta Gastini
Giulia Farnese
Sarah Stern
Jeanne de Berry
Andrea Sawatzki
Adriana de Mila
Stanley Weber
Juan Borgia
Diarmuid Noyes
Alessandro FarneseMidia
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- Videos

1 - 1492
Though officially their uncle, Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia gathers his three children, but Juans and Cesares lack of control threaten his lifes work.

2 - Ondata di calore
When a plot to poison the pope is baffled and the pontiffs original testament restored, Cesare watches his brother rise further in Rodrigos esteem.

3 - A Sacred Vow
A quarrel starts among the cardinals and old reckonings are being settled, while Cesare offers his son as a sacrifice to God, abandoning the newborn.

4 - Wisdom of the Holy Spirit
Rodrigo promises estates and offices for those voting in his favour, and when white smoke rises, he leaves the conclave as Pope Alexander VI.

5 - The Bonds of Matrimony
The wedding of Lucrezia to Giovanni Sforza is to seal the union between the Borgia and Sforza families, but the marriage will not be consummated.

6 - Legitimacy
As peace remains brittle, Rodrigo publicly acknowledges his paternity of Juan, Cesare, Lucrezia and Goffredo to strengthen the family bonds.

7 - Maneuvers
Instead of keeping the peace, Rodrigo gives in to Giulias urging and has his men take up arms, but under Juans command the campaign fails.

8 - Prelude to an Apocalypse
With his enemies advancing and his troops deserting Juans command, Rodrigo has to take a tough decision that puts Cesares life at stake.

9 - The Invasion of Rome
Rodrigo has his back on the wall as the French troops occupy the Eternal city, but thanks to his son Cesare, a fragile peace can be negotiated.

10 - Miracles
By the intervention of Spain, France is forced to withdraw, but Isabella of Spain demands a purge of the Jews from the Eternal City.

11 - God's Monster
To prove himself worthy of the crown of Naples, Juan proposes to convert the Jews in a mass christening, but accidentally reveals a dark secret.

12 - The Serpent Rises
Cesare leads an investigative commission into Juans death, but cannot find the guilty party and soon fears he himself killed his brother.