Photojournalist Lee Berger, famous for capturing the image of Tank Man in Tiananmen Square in 1989, sets out on a dangerous journey to find him.
Elenco principal

Sophie Okonedo
Tessa Kendrick
Katie Leung
Terry Chen
Zhang Lin
Cherry Jones
Mel Kincaid
F. Murray Abraham
Frank Sams
Tan Kheng Hua
Ming Xiao Li
Robert Ryan
US CitizenMidia
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- Videos

1 - Kodak Ergo Sum
As the 2016 US Presidential election approaches, photojournalist Lee Berger faces accusations of creating fake news. Returning to Beijing, Lee hopes to find the truth behind his most famous photo.

3 - The Brace Position
On the eve of election, Lee finds help from an unlikely source as businessman Tang Wen Lei points him to secrets from Senator Dubeckis past. Tess visits Zhang Lin in Beijing to help search for Joy.

4 - Neither East nor West
In the aftermath of the election, Lees search for the Tank Man leads him to a shocking conclusion as Zhang Lin finally finds the courage to stand up to the Chinese authorities.