Cidades Ocultas(2007)
Don Wildman viaja para os confins e profundos recantos do globo, usando tecnologia de ponta para explorar mistérios enterrados nas profundezas do solo.
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1 - Istanbul
Istanbul is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic and exotic cities in the world. Once the capital city of three of the worlds most powerful empires--The Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman--its strategic location made it the perfect spot for empires to rise, fall...and rise again. Residents of Istanbul walk on top of remnants of these fallen civilizations...literally. Taxis drive over parts of Constantines Lost Great Palace; children play on cobblestone streets concealing a massive Byzantine dungeon; a high school sits on a 3rd century wall leading to the bowels of a 100,000 seat ancient Roman Hippodrome; and basements of old Ottoman homes lead to subterranean tunnels and secret cisterns. Join host Eric Geller as he leaves the buzz of the city streets behind and follows the pull of the past. Teamed with leading archeologists and experts, Eric peels back the layers of the past--to reveal a hidden history that hasnt seen the light of day for ages.

2 - Scotland's Sin City
Constrained for space by a stone defensive wall and steep terrain, the people of Edinburgh build both high rises and subterranean dwellings to provide living space. Out of sight, the underworld attracts all manor of seedy activities.

3 - Hitler's Underground Lair
This program reviews Adolf Hilters and Albert Speers plans for a building boom that would turn Berlin into the capital city of the world. The plan included substantial below ground ...

4 - Rome's Hidden Empire
Much of modern Rome is built upon the foundations of the first century Roman city and was above Goraud at that time. Eric visits some of these ruins and his guides explain the activities that occurred there two thousand years ago.

5 - Catacombs of Death
Eric finds some knowledgeable guides to take him on a clandestine tour of the catacombs of Paris. Originally a limestone quarry, the vacant space produced its own utility and a rich history in war and in peace to hide things better kept unseen. But the catacombs also represent cracks in the foundation that threaten the stability of the city above the surface.

6 - City of Caves
Budapest is built upon on network of natural limestone caves that have been in use since humans first moved into the area. While exploring the caves Eric shares their color history which includes several violent periods in Budapests past.

7 - New York
New York Citys underground harbors secrets and surprises befitting the most important city on earth. Eric shares these secrets in tours under Grand Central Terminal, the Empire State Building, the World Trade Center and New Yorks original aqueduct.

8 - London's Lost Cities
For thousands of years London has been among the most powerful cities in the world, below the busy streets and marketplaces another city hides--a city of Roman baths, secret crypts, lost rivers, indestructible bunkers that could hold up to 8,000 people, Winston Churchills hidden war-rooms; host Eric Geller.
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